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Spanish Wine

Vinously Speaking’s 200th Post!

Can you believe it? Our 200th post ?!?! That’s a lot of words! AND a lot of wine!

To celebrate our 200th post, we decided to skip the typing and make a wine review video instead! And not just any wine review video … we combined with another San Antonio wine blogger, Mark Fusco of 1337 Wine Blog, who was also on his 200th post (what a coincidence) and did a 3 part 200th video-post in which we reviewed some delightful and delicious wine samples sent to us by Biltmore Estates, Ole Imports, & Arnaldo-Caprai Winery.

Max’s Wine Dive – Le Tour Du Vin #2 – Spain

It has been two weeks since the last Max’s Wine Dive’s “Le Tour Du Vin” wine tasting. Today is their third of six in this wine tasting series and the theme of this evening is going to be … France!! But before we get ahead of ourselves, I know you want a recap of the second Le Tour Du Vin wine tasting (in case you missed it, the recap of the first one can be found here). The country theme of that second wine tasting was Spain and boy was it sabroso!!