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Veronique Cecilia Barretto

THE CECI SIPPER...the crazy Texan gal who is gulping all that wine and making a complete dork out of herself to bring you the funny side of enjoying wine! (Who am I kidding! I am a dork with or without a wine blog, now I am just documenting public evidence of it =P) Now, a brief summary of who I am? Well, my main adjectives are: funny, semi-nerdy, clever, goofy, witty, blunt, optimistic, efficient, confident, curious, loyal and in-your-face. I am a 100% certifiable grade A dork and I am I proud of it. Spending time with me has been likened to the feeling one has on a roller-coaster; outrageously fun, unpredictable, very addicting and there's always a long waiting line! =)

Failla Wines – The common ‘thread’ running through them

Does drinking wine ever make you think of music?

Have you ever taken a sip of that delicious vinous nectar and the first thought through your mind is a song? Or a melody?

Or perhaps the words someone uses to describe a wine makes you recall a song?

Well it happens to me quite a bit, but most recently a wine made me think of an entire album!

I had the delightful opportunity to be invited by Serendipity Wine Imports representative, Felicia Gonzales to taste a few of the Failla (pronounced FAY-la) Wine selection. We met up at a local seafood bar called Sandbar located at the Pearl Brewery here in San Antonio along with Matt Naumann, assistant winemaker at Failla Wines, and Sandbar sommelier, Adam Spencer. We sat down to a sun-kissed table covered in white linen and fancy silver spoons and spitoons (fancy!) As I was being poured the first wine I remember Matt saying how Failla wines all had a common thread of lively acidity running through all the wines. This is what sparked my memory to think of an entire album to pair with these wines …