Yes, folks! It is time for Challenge#2 of Project Wine Blog! You can post any time this week/weekend!
What is Challenge#2? …
Challenge #2 ~ It’s all Foreign To Me! Any wine blogger ‘worth their weight in wine’ can talk up a storm about their ‘favorite’ wine region… but can you go outside your comfort zone and tackle a foreign wine region? – Pick the wine region you know the least about and write a post on it – be creative and have fun with it!
I am putting the finishing touches on my Challenge #2 post! It’ll be posted by the end of the day! You still have 7 whole days to do this challenge! … What are you waiting for! Join me! I dare you! … no, I triple dog dare you! (That is schoolyard slang for “You have no choice, you better do it, or else!)
For those of you who are confused …. Project Wine Blog is the wine bloggers’ version of Food Buzz’s 12-week “Project Food Blog” Food Blogger Contest that began on September 20th!
I took the 10 Challenges posed to the contestants of the “Project Food Blog” and altered them to be a bit more … vinous ;) and I will be completing these challenges on the same time schedule as the food bloggers! Care to join me?
If there are any new or seasoned wine bloggers out there who wanna join … leave me a blog comment or message me on my Facebook or Twitter and let me know! This is just for fun, but I’m thinking if enough of us wine bloggers do this, we can really make some vinous waves! ;P I also created a Project Wine Blog Fan Page, so you can post the link your challenge posts or read what other wine bloggers are posting!
So? Are there any crazy wine bloggers out there who want to join me and complete Challenge #2 this week? This is just for fun (I wish I could offer the same $10,000 grand prize as Food Buzz (maybe next time ;P)), but if enough of us wine bloggers do this, we can really make some vinous waves and possibly have a real competition for the next ‘Project Wine Blog’ ;P
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HERE ARE ALL OF THE “PROJECT WINE BLOG” CHALLENGES The original “Project Food Blog” challenges are in italic font.
** Post any time in the week provided next to each challenge**
Challenge #1: Ready, Set, Wine Blog! (Week of Sept 20th) Make a post telling your readers/fellow wine bloggers about “Project Wine Blog” and why you are participating. Tell them to join us too! Feel free to link them back to this post for full details! (don’t forget to mention the original challenge – Food Buzz’s “Project Food Blog” as well ;)
Food Blog Challenge #1: Ready, Set, Blog! Thousands of food bloggers plead their case for a chance to advance. Who has what it takes to be #1?
Challenge #2: It’s all Foreign To Me! (Week of Sept 27th) Any wine blogger ‘worth their weight in wine’ can talk up a storm about their ‘favorite’ wine region… but can you go outside your comfort zone and tackle a foreign wine region? – Pick the wine region you know the least about and write a post on it – be creative and have fun with it!
Food Blog Challenge #2:The Classics Any food blogger worth their salt can make a classic dish sing, but can they go outside their comfort zone and tackle a foreign cuisine?
Challenge #3: Wine Tasting & Appetizer Pairing Party (Week of Oct 4th) Real or imaginary – host a themed “Wine Tasting & Appetizer Pairing” party for guests. Pick a theme, 6 wines, a pairing appetizer for each wine, and then tell us why you went with those ideas. P.S. Don’t worry about naming specific producers/vineyards for the wines, unless you want to ;)
Food Blog Challenge #3: Luxury Dinner Party Contestants channeled the new and exotic to host a luxurious dinner party for guests. Which feast would you RSVP to?
Challenge #4: Picture Perfect (Week of Oct 11th) Photos of a wine bottle, a vineyard, or a wine cellar … they have stories behind them! Take a moment and dig through the ‘Pictures’ folder in your computer. Pick some of your favorite wine related photos and post a ‘photo journey’ for your wine blog readers. Be creative and feel free to tell your readers why those photos mean a lot to you and your wine journey! (No limit here … pick 1 or pick 50, it’s your ‘photo journey’!)
Food Blog Challenge #4: Picture Perfect Step-by-step photo tutorials are easy to follow and mouth watering! Who captures your attention?
Challenge #5: Recipe Remix (Week of Oct 18th) So many variations of one recipe … and one wine pairing! Wine bloggers, choose your favorite pizza recipe (homemade, store-bought, from a restaurant, doesn’t matter!) and then pair a wine with it and tell us why!
Food Blog Challenge #5: Recipe Remix So many variations of one recipe! See how contestants adapted a pizza recipe to be their own. Which would you make?
Challenge #6: Winery Road Trip! (Week of Oct 25th) Wine bloggers … you’re on the move! Tell us about a winery that is road-trip distance from you! (If you live too far from a winery, than tell us about your favorite winery you have visited!)
Food Blog Challenge #6: Road Trip! The bloggers were tasked to design a meal to go–one that carries well and tastes great. Who would you pick to ride shotgun?
Challenge #7: Wine Video 411 (Week of Nov 8th) Lights. Camera. Drink Wine! Which wine blogger has the best wine videos that leave you unable to resist opening up a bottle of vino? Wine bloggers – pick you favorite wine videos (yours or someone else) and put them up in a post … again, the number of videos is irrelevant, this is your video post, have fun with it!
Food Blog Challenge #7: Video 411 Lights. Camera. Cook. Which food blogger has the video skills to make you tune in and turn on (the stove)?
Challenge #8: Piece of Cake (Week of Nov 15th) Wine bloggers, unleash your sweet teeth! In this post talk about your favorite dessert/sweet wine or your favorite ‘dessert and wine pairing’!
Food Blog Challenge #8: Piece of Cake A seasonal ingredient was baked into sweet or savory treats by our contestants. Who has the science of baking down?
Challenge #9: You’re the Wine Blog Critic (Week of Nov 29th) You think you would be asked to ‘critique’ a wine … but wine bloggers do enough of that, so for this post you are going to channel some positive ‘criticism’ ….(and throw in a little networking!) Post a list of your top 5-10 favorite wine bloggers! Let your readers know why you like them and why they might too!
Food Blog Challenge #9: You’re the Critic The bloggers put their best fork forward to relay to readers a well-thought out restaurant experience. Who’s got the chops to hand out Michelin stars?
Challenge #10: The Final Post (Week of Dec 6th) For this post … let’s celebrate!!! Go splurge and buy that ‘nice bottle’ of wine you keep telling yourself you’re gonna buy on that special occasion! Post a photo/video of your celebration and tell us about your experience with “Project Wine Blog”! Maybe a “Project Wine Blog” Celebration Tweet Up is called for?
Food Blog Challenge #10:The Final Post The final 3 pulled what they’ve learned into a final post of choice. Who should be the 2010 Project Food Blog star?
** As a disclaimer – I fully promote the “Project Food Blog” Challenge (and think you should too!) I am not trying to copy this challenge for any other reason than just as a way for me, (and possibly other wine bloggers ;) to join in on the fun! Thank you to Food Buzz’ “Project Food Blog” creators (and participants!) **
Hope all y’all Wine Bloggers out there (and readers!) will join me for this “Project Wine Blog” Challenge!