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2012 Becker Vineyards Viognier

Deep In The Wine Glass of Texas … Culinaria 2014’s Becker Wine Dinner at Francesca’s at the La Cantera Hill Country Resort

Culinaria Festival Week 2014: Becker Wine Dinner at Francesca's at La Cantera Hill Country Resort

There are times my line of work when I am required to work overtime, late into the evening, demanding my full attention and expertise … last week was one of those times.

But in my line of work, I absolutely do not mind having to work overtime ;)

I’m sure you wouldn’t either if ‘overtime’ involved a four course dinner and at the lovely Francesca’s at the La Cantera Hill Country Resort and paired with wines from the Texas Hill Country’s Becker Vineyards and Moniker Wine Estates of California’s Mendocino County.