Last post we left off with the Austrian Wine Technical Tasting for Day 1 of the European Wine Bloggers Conference (EWBC) … So what do you do with a restless/loquacious crowd of 200+ wine blogger/professionals?
EWBC ’10 ~ The Intern’s Take ~ Day 1
Hello VS Readers! I hope your virtual bags are packed! I am about to take you on a virtual trip to the European Wine Bloggers Conference (EWBC) 2010 in Vienna, Austria!
Oh, and get you your virtual liver ready too! hahaha!
Que Pasa in Terrassa?
or for all you non-Spanish speakers out there ... “What’s happening in Terrassa?“
As I am already back from my Spanish voyage, I should be using the past tense, but I can’t because then it won’t rhyme with Terrassa. =P
The Party Don’t Start ‘Til I Walk In
Vinous Readers, moving along from the last few blog posts about the happenings at the 30th Anniversary Pre-Conference of the wine fair, the next few posts will be about my reflections/good times of the three days of the 2010 London International Wine Fair and we all know there were good times to be had, ’cause “the party don’t start ’til I walk in”!!!