Americans top the world in wine-drinking as global consumption shrinks – Los Angeles Times
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I saw this article online today, and was sooooo very proud!! GO USA!!! Keep on drinking that wonderful wine!!!! Boo on the rest of the world for bringing the numbers down! (Although technically it has something to do with the world financial crisis and we Americans need a little slap on the hand for our contribution to that….) But I am told that a lot of Europeans are becoming more “alcohol conscientious” since the crackdown on drinking and driving, and all the studies that show that drinking is bad for you, lest they not forget the “french paradox” that we Americans have so readily adapted as our new style of life. (red wine=less health problems=longer/healthier life) In case you didn’t know, it is grace au the ‘french paradox’ that Merlot became the new wine of preference in the US of A. Before this ground-breaking discovery, Americans were more white zinfandel/white wine kinda people, but after they found out that they could have their steaks and eat them too……well then Merlot, became the new “instant gratification” ticket! So now, we Americans are drinking the red, AND LOTS OF IT!!! KEEP UP THAT COMPETITIVE SPIRIT, DRINK MORE WINE, DRINK MORE WINE. I AM TALKING ONE TO TWO GLASSES A DAY PEOPLE!!! And if, like me, you already do, well then convert others to it….peer pressure can be good!!! In any case, I hope you enjoy the article (with a great glass of wine!)
In Vino Veritas (and lots o’ American Consumption)
Cheers! Salud! Sante!
Ceci aka Veronique