Here they are! As promised! Well technically I promised them to you on Nov 5th….an hour ago but give me a break, there’s a lot of photos on here! I hope you enjoy!
Here is my doggy, Dolce and her bud Martin, enjoying the wind in their hair! My dog loves to stick her head out of the window! She is Super Dog! In case you are wondering she is a welsh corgi, 4 years old, american born and I adopted her from an animal shelter 3 years ago. I brought her with me to France, so now she is ‘le Dolce’ =)
Our first domaine visit in Auxey-Duresses. It came highly recommended by my caviste, Bertrand Joinville, from my favorite wine store, O Gre Du Vin, here in Dijon! These signs were in front of all the participating wineries and bear the name of the winery and the logo of the wine festival. The same logo is on the wine glasses we used for tasting and got to keep! Gotta love free wine glasses!
The Domaine Lafouge! Their wine was very yummy! Especially their white wines!! Mmmm! So round, full and rich! (Like Danny Devito!) hahaha!
Buds! Martin (our pseudo-roommate) and (my frenchman)
Me & Berenice (a fellow classmate in my masters of wine business program)
The wines we tasted from Domaine Lafouge!! And this was only stop number one! And they don’t do that silly one ounce pour like they do in the US, where you have to lick the wine glass to even taste anything….the french know how to POUR!!
The people I pay to pose as my friends and boyfriend, to make this blog more legit.
Hey, they were cheap to rent! I’m on a student budget!
Saint Vincent…the patron saint of wine-makers!! Also my younger brother’s name…minus the saint part….although that would be cool to add saint in front of your name, for kicks….hmmm tangent thought…..
Wine we tasted from stop number 2! Heh Heh Heh…..number 2…..(sorry, inner immaturity coming out)
This winery was called Domaine Prunier-Damy. Here’s a cute little garden they had on their property.
We had a fabulous time chatting with the wife of the couple who owns this domaine. It has been in their family for a few generations now…so it is a certified family business! The other gentlemen was a friend of theirs who is a winemaker in a wine-making family as well and was there to help them pour their wines and to make us laugh! Wonderful people! By the way, Domaine Prunier-Damy is looking to export to the US, but they need a buyer! SO, if you are wanting some prime Burgundy wine to import into the US, get on this deal!! Tell ’em I sent you!
Stop number 3!!
The old school style of pressing the grapes…
The owner of this domaine had this photo of his grandfather (2nd on left in dark suit with the pipe) with the old school grape press!!!
The wines!! Great Shot!!
I tried this wine………..
Ok, no I didn’t……but whatever…..
Push Ceci Sipper!!! PUSH!!!! Press those grapes!!!
The wine tasting crew!
Saint Vincent!
Our last stop, and the most detrimental to my sobriety….
Found a french guy with some genuine COWBOY BOOTS!!! As payment for letting my take this photo, I had to try all the wines on the list… was a difficult deal for me to make….there were at least 10 wines!!
Art Expo in the Domaine!
Pose like the painting!!
We had a VIP trip down to the owner’s cellar. He had a collection of wines from all over the world that his customers bring him and he saves the bottles and puts them on the top shelf! Texas is not up there….I shall be the one to fix that!!
Awesome flying winemaker….no she doesn’t literally fly….she is a winemaker for multiple wineries…and just changes wineries from season to season….what a life!!
Berenice and I after the tasting, feeling good!!
Hope you enjoyed the photo version of this post! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the post before this one, for the videos I took from this wine festival!
As always….I hope you learned, I hope you laughed and I hope you enjoyed this virtual wine adventure with me!!
Vinously Speaking & Vinously Yours, The Ceci Sipper
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