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"Champagne for your real friends….

and real pain for your sham friends!”

But none of you are sham friends, soooooooo

Champagne for all my readers!!
……..Well, virtually that is.

Two weekends ago I went to Reims, France in the Champagne region (about 3 hours driving north of Dijon) with my french-man and a swedish classmate. I tried to pay off another french person to pose as my classmate to make this entry sound more legit, but damn french people wanting benefits and paid 5 weeks vacation. I didn’t have that kind of cash on me so I had to settle for the swedish kid. (He only demanded a kilo of meatballs as payment!)

OK… so where were we? Ah yes, me, the American girl, a Swedish dude and a french boyfriend in Reims with one goal… (this story already has potential!) We had our sights set on a massive wine tasting! I am talking E-NORM-OUS!! One little tasting glass and so many wines to taste!

We showed up, only paid one entrance fee, as we happened to score 2 free tickets from a nice gal who had extras! (SCORE!) Then like kids in a candy store we walked around in awe! Two halls, hundreds of stands, each with bottles upon bottles, ready to be tasted! Of course it would be unsafe to attempt to try them all, although I noticed a few people giving it their best shot!

There were sections for Bordeaux, Burgundy, Alsace, Jura, Languedoc, Provence, Corsica, oh my!! I was expecting more stands from Champagne producers, since the event was in Champagne, but you can’t win ’em all….

Anyways, without further ado…I leave you to the video footage to better explain our adventure!

The next post will be all the photos from this event. (Don’t want to make this too long =)

I hope you enjoyed the Vlogging I did while I was there! I love taking you readers on all my wine adventures! Wine is exciting for so many reasons, but especially for the adventure! And this blog is here to bring you along! I have never known wine or the world around it to be anything but FUN! I want each person who reads this blog to feel the same! Thank you, to each and everyone of you! I love sharing this amazing and FLIPPIN FUN world of wine with you!!


Hope you enjoyed! If you did, tell a friend, let’s bring them along on these adventures too!!
(I am still so amazed at all the different countries and cities around the world where my blog is being read! It is incredible! THANK YOU!!!)

Vinously Speaking & Vinously Yours,
The Ceci Sipper!

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