Britney Spears might say “Gimme More”
Slang speaking Americans might say, “Gimme Mo’ “
But I say, “Gimme MOW”
a Master Of Wine that is!!!
Now I need a little blogger participation, yes that means you sitting there in front of the screen.
So…raise your hand you have ever read something written by a Master Of Wine.

Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Ok then, raise your hand if you have ever met this Master Of Wine…

Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Alright then, raise both your hands if this Master Of Wine was your guest professor!!!

Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Well, here is the book that I own with a chapter written by this Master Of Wine…

Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Fine, here is the very page with the Master Of Wine’s name as the author!

Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
You’re unforgiving! Well heck, here is my face with the book to prove that I have this book written by the Master Of Wine!

Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
What?! The mustache doesn’t suffice as proof…..You still want MOW? Fine!! Have it your way! Here is a photo with the Master Of Wine, the man from my book, who wrote the article, who was a guest professor for my Masters in Wine Business program at the Burgundy School of Business, who is one of only 240ish people to hold this prestigious title!!!!

Ya, Okay Ceci Sipper….but how do we know that is a legit class behind you? WE WANT MOW!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! YOU WANT MOW? I’LL GIVE YOU MOW!!!!
Haa! There!! In front of the class!!! You wanted MOW, you got MOW!!

Okay, now I know you are thinking I am a big dork….but the truth is
I am!! But let us be honest, that is why you love me!!
Okay all fun and games aside, this was an educational opportunity of a lifetime! I mean for those of you who don’t know what a Master of Wine is……get ready to be amazed….first let me start off by saying the passing rate of this rigorous testing……is……ready for it…….7% !!!!!!!! Yes, seven percent!!! Talk about cut throat!!! Thus why there are only 240 of these bad boys and girls in the world. You can visit the direct site here at the Institute of Master of Wine ~ ~ Let’s just say these are the real life greek gods of our day! If you thought getting to the top of Mount Olympus and shaking hands with Zeus was difficult, think again!! The MOW exam currently consists of three parts: “Theory – four three-hour question papers on viticulture, winemaking, the business of wine and contemporary issues. Practical – three twelve-wine blind tastings, each lasting two and a quarter hours, in which wines must be assessed for variety, origin, winemaking, quality and style. Practical papers must be written in English. The Theory and Practical papers are examined concurrently over four days, usually in June, in three centres: Napa, Sydney and London. Dissertation – a ten thousand word original study, relevant to the wine industry, with the topic selected by the candidate. This is typically written after the candidate has passed both the Theory and the Practical.” (direct from the MOW site)
Whew! If you ever thought about setting your goals high, these ladies and gentlemen are the poster children. I mean, just having the ‘grapes’ big enough to even attempt to take this exam is enough to earn my respect!
So any-who, back to the MOW that I met and had the pleasure of learning from….Steve Charters. He currently holds the position of ‘Professor of Champagne Management’ at the Reims Management School here in France where he “he researches and runs courses which cover the cultural and social context of wine and Champagne consumption and the processes of marketing sparkling wines.” (link) Talk about a rough job!! I want to research that! I mean, I think I would do a pretty good job of managing Champagne….(tee hee) So let’s brag a bit MOW about him…. I mean, I could brag about this MOW for paragraphs, but if you click on the link above and His Official MOW Profile you will get a pretty comprehensive view of why Steve Charters is nothing short of impressive! He was an incredibly humble person. He cared what we had to say as students (or at least did a good job of pretending, haha) I mean what do you ask a MASTER of WINE??? Ummm….can you say “intimidating” ?? I not only learned from his knowledge of wine but I was impressed by the passion he had for wine and how you could see it, radiating from him as he spoke about the subject. I doubt Romeo talked about Juliet with that level of passion! Each time he spoke about wine, his eyes would sparkle! You can tell he LOVES what he does!
Steve Charters, if you are reading this, I want to thank you for giving us an amazing experience as our guest lecturer and I can say for my entire class, we look forward to having you in March and May for our Wines of the World classes!! And don’t forget to bring us some Champagne!!
With that, I leave you with a toast:
“Champagne for your real friends & real pain for your sham friends” =)
Sorry for the delay on this entry, I guess you can say they call it a ‘Masters’ for a reason…
I mean, not writing to ya’ll for a whole week and half really made me depressed! I MISS YOU ALL!!
See you for the next post! (I promise it will be posted sooner this time!)
Vinously Speaking & Vinously Yours,
The Ceci Sipper
Slang speaking Americans might say, “Gimme Mo’ “
But I say, “Gimme MOW”
a Master Of Wine that is!!!
Now I need a little blogger participation, yes that means you sitting there in front of the screen.
So…raise your hand you have ever read something written by a Master Of Wine.
Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Ok then, raise your hand if you have ever met this Master Of Wine…
Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Alright then, raise both your hands if this Master Of Wine was your guest professor!!!
Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Well, here is the book that I own with a chapter written by this Master Of Wine…
Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
Fine, here is the very page with the Master Of Wine’s name as the author!
Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
You’re unforgiving! Well heck, here is my face with the book to prove that I have this book written by the Master Of Wine!
Did I hear you say,”Gimme MOW!”
What?! The mustache doesn’t suffice as proof…..You still want MOW? Fine!! Have it your way! Here is a photo with the Master Of Wine, the man from my book, who wrote the article, who was a guest professor for my Masters in Wine Business program at the Burgundy School of Business, who is one of only 240ish people to hold this prestigious title!!!!
Ya, Okay Ceci Sipper….but how do we know that is a legit class behind you? WE WANT MOW!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! YOU WANT MOW? I’LL GIVE YOU MOW!!!!
Haa! There!! In front of the class!!! You wanted MOW, you got MOW!!
Okay, now I know you are thinking I am a big dork….but the truth is
I am!! But let us be honest, that is why you love me!!
Okay all fun and games aside, this was an educational opportunity of a lifetime! I mean for those of you who don’t know what a Master of Wine is……get ready to be amazed….first let me start off by saying the passing rate of this rigorous testing……is……ready for it…….7% !!!!!!!! Yes, seven percent!!! Talk about cut throat!!! Thus why there are only 240 of these bad boys and girls in the world. You can visit the direct site here at the Institute of Master of Wine ~ ~ Let’s just say these are the real life greek gods of our day! If you thought getting to the top of Mount Olympus and shaking hands with Zeus was difficult, think again!! The MOW exam currently consists of three parts: “Theory – four three-hour question papers on viticulture, winemaking, the business of wine and contemporary issues. Practical – three twelve-wine blind tastings, each lasting two and a quarter hours, in which wines must be assessed for variety, origin, winemaking, quality and style. Practical papers must be written in English. The Theory and Practical papers are examined concurrently over four days, usually in June, in three centres: Napa, Sydney and London. Dissertation – a ten thousand word original study, relevant to the wine industry, with the topic selected by the candidate. This is typically written after the candidate has passed both the Theory and the Practical.” (direct from the MOW site)
Whew! If you ever thought about setting your goals high, these ladies and gentlemen are the poster children. I mean, just having the ‘grapes’ big enough to even attempt to take this exam is enough to earn my respect!
So any-who, back to the MOW that I met and had the pleasure of learning from….Steve Charters. He currently holds the position of ‘Professor of Champagne Management’ at the Reims Management School here in France where he “he researches and runs courses which cover the cultural and social context of wine and Champagne consumption and the processes of marketing sparkling wines.” (link) Talk about a rough job!! I want to research that! I mean, I think I would do a pretty good job of managing Champagne….(tee hee) So let’s brag a bit MOW about him…. I mean, I could brag about this MOW for paragraphs, but if you click on the link above and His Official MOW Profile you will get a pretty comprehensive view of why Steve Charters is nothing short of impressive! He was an incredibly humble person. He cared what we had to say as students (or at least did a good job of pretending, haha) I mean what do you ask a MASTER of WINE??? Ummm….can you say “intimidating” ?? I not only learned from his knowledge of wine but I was impressed by the passion he had for wine and how you could see it, radiating from him as he spoke about the subject. I doubt Romeo talked about Juliet with that level of passion! Each time he spoke about wine, his eyes would sparkle! You can tell he LOVES what he does!
Steve Charters, if you are reading this, I want to thank you for giving us an amazing experience as our guest lecturer and I can say for my entire class, we look forward to having you in March and May for our Wines of the World classes!! And don’t forget to bring us some Champagne!!
With that, I leave you with a toast:
“Champagne for your real friends & real pain for your sham friends” =)
Sorry for the delay on this entry, I guess you can say they call it a ‘Masters’ for a reason…
I mean, not writing to ya’ll for a whole week and half really made me depressed! I MISS YOU ALL!!
See you for the next post! (I promise it will be posted sooner this time!)
Vinously Speaking & Vinously Yours,
The Ceci Sipper