Please don’t judge me, but I am totally pooped!!
The London International Wine Fair was insane amounts of fun!!!!
(Don’t worry, I will blog about it all in detail VERY soon, promise)
I arrived back into Dijon, France late Friday night, was surprised with a romantic in-home sushi dinner by frenchie le boyfriend, then we had a quick sleep and drove the 7 hours to Nantes, France (frenchie le boyfriend’s hometown) to pick up my sweetie-pie of a dog who was being dog-sat by frenchie le boyfriend’s parents.
*That’s the face she has when I am not around…soo sad =(
We stayed in Nantes for the weekend to visit with les parents, so there was no time for lounging about to catch up on sleep. We arrived back in Dijon late last night and guess what I still had to do …… a project that was due the next day. So I went back to my university days and pulled an all-nighter to get it done. WHEW!!! Staying up all night is not as easy as I remember it to be….??
In any case, I will be back to blog about the London International Wine Fair VERY VERY soon, but for now, please leave a message after the beep because I am catching up on some Zzzzz’s….
Vinously Speaking & Vinously Yours,
The Zzzzz-Ceci Sipper