Sometimes it is necessary to just conquer your enemies……
and I mean serious and total annihilation.
But this time was different. I mean, I have never met a wine bottle I couldn’t finish….
I mean, my friends introduced me to this bad boy….but we barely made a dent in it that first night we drank it…..I HATE YOU, BEAST!!
I was frustrated. I felt defeated. It was so delicious too! My friend acquired it through a friend of his and he said he was saving it for a special occasion and apparently my coming home from France was that occasion. So he opened it. And it was gooooooooood. It had this amazing eucalyptus smell to it. The tannins were not something to argue with. They coated my teeth like a slightly over-brewed tea…but DAMN those heavy fruit flavors seduced me. Not to mention I am still ALL over that eucalyptus smell….Mmmmmm!
Anywho, we didn’t even get 1/3 of the way through the bottle. I slightly went into depression mode. I mean….I consider myself a professional among wine drinkers. I can really hold my own. I am the best wine drinker this side of the Mississippi….but the BEAST beat me this time.
Not too shabby BEAST, you may have won this time….but I will battle you again…and I WILL WIN!!!!
On a side note….it took 3 drinking sessions to finally finish the BEAST.
Well, I must give credit where credit is due. And I suppose I am just not up to the caliber to kill off THE BEAST!
P.S. This was one of the wines I drank while back home in the States for the holidays.
Vinously Speaking & Vinously Yours, The Ceci Sipper