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Who let "The Ceci Sipper" into ProWein?

because she is taking it over by storm!! So WATCH OUT!

HELLOOOO!!! Vinously Speaking Readers!!!
Can you tell I am bit excited?!? This ProWein event has got me allllll sorts crazy with overdoses of adrenaline! But, how can you not be ecstatic here? The entire Dusselfdorf Expo Center wreaks of the sweet, sweet smell of wine and all you hear are the sounds of millions of bottles being opened, the sound of thousands of people inhaling the wine, loads of people swirling the wine around and off into the ole ‘taste tester’ that precious wine goes! You hear the chatter of expensive business deals being sorted out, wine reps praising their wine, exhibit workers calling for more glasses of a certain type of wine and the beckoning of the conveniently good-looking men and women hired by each booth to lure you into their den….

and then you hear the sound of a crazy woman taking to her camera and laughing along with the wine reps as she says something funny again…..who is she?

OH YA! IT’S ME! THE CECI SIPPER!!!! Only someone was brave enough to give me a Press Pass! It’s almost as bad as feeding the animals at the zoo! =)

There ya go! Told you they gave me a Press Pass!!! If I wasn’t official before, I am official now!!

But before I go any further, I MUST, MUST, MUST thank each and every person who reads this blog because without you, they never would have approved me! There were several requirements to obtain this ‘golden ticket’ which included having a wine or wine/food related blog, have been operating said blog for 6 months or longer, post entries at least once a week, have a certain amount of traffic/visitors to the blog and then be approved for the content of the blog. AND VINOUSLY SPEAKING DID IT!! But it never would have happened without you! So Thank you sooooooooo much for helping and supporting me through this Vinously Speaking wine adventure. I am living the dream with your help, that and stirring things UP at ProWein =)

So with that being said….

So you are ‘virtually’ in the taxi with me and here is what you see when we arrive!

We grab our press passes ;) and go up the stairs to start making our rounds through those halls!! Those wines are not going to taste themselves!!

And here is your virtual visit to ProWein 2010!

Impressive huh!? And that was only one hall! There are 5 others!! Here is a short photo journey of a few stands I saw on my way to our 10am Italian Fruili Wine Region Meeting (more on that in a later post) Enjoy!

I spent the rest of my day discovering wines from the lesser known wine countries of the world such as Romania, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, etc. and drinking wines made from grape varietals that sound like I am sneezing when I try to pronounce them! I will make a post just for the wines and the stands later so I can really do them justice! Also I must head off to more wine tasting, this is the second day of ProWein and I am attending the Union des Grands Crus Bordeaux Vintage Wine Tasting put on by the French Embassy =) Yay!!! I will blog some more tonight!!

Until tonight (Dusseldorf time =P)…

Vinously Speaking and Vinously Yours,
The Ceci Sipper!

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